als tv app

Free tv app to use with your channel provider. Download the app. Installation is very easy and the only requirements are that you have one of the listed streaming platforms listed below & that you have an internet connection that will get at least 40 megabyte speeds to your TV.

accepted platforms: google, android & amazon fire

installation & support

choose from the list below

fire stick & fire tv

instructions for installing on you amazon fire device.

Install "downloader" from the app store
Go to "Settings"
Go to "My Fire Tv"
Go to "About"
Click on "Fire Tv Stick" 7 times
Go back and click "developer options"
Click "install unknown apps"
Turn Downloader "on"
open downloader and enter 876280
wait for download then install
open app and select tv
click "xtream code api
enter login info
Click "Live Tv"

android / google

instructions for installing on you android or google device.

Install "downloader" from the app store
Go to "Settings"
Go to "About"
Scroll down to “Android TV OS built” click 7 times. 
open downloader and enter 876280
wait for download then install
open app and select tv
click stream codes api
enter login info
Click "Live Tv" and enjoy

streaming tips

These 3 step will keep your streaming in top shape

restart device

Restart you streaming device to ensure you have a fresh connection with your internet router

refresh channels

Refresh your channels to ensure you always have the latest content.

restart wifi

Restart your wifi router to ensure you have the strongest signal from you internet provider

reset profile

Go to "switch user"

Select Add User

Select "add new user" then enter login info

refresh channels

On the Home Screen click where it says last updated to refresh channels

refresh tv guide

Go to "settings"

Select "EPG"

Select "refresh epg"

run speed test

Go to "settings"

Select "speed test"

Begin test. If the middle number is below 40 you will have buffering.

unblock service

Open Spectrum app, go to services tab and click on security shield

Select your WiFi network

Scroll down and toggle the security shield to the off position